A special announcement:
As a psychic-empath, I can't just give you a journal without the guidance that you'll need in your spiritual unfolding. That's why I have included a complimentary full PDF guide based on the original book "You're Not Crazy, It's Paranormal!" as an additional form of information, resource and support.
If you are experiencing a Spiritual Awakening you don't have to go it alone. A Spiritual Awakening can occur for many reasons, often a crisis or what is known as The Dark Night of the Soul. The process can be so frightening and exhilarating. There are no rule books or predictable outcomes. The good news is that you are not alone. You have support from realms that expand the Universe and here on our precious planet.
Use this specially curated journal as a companion on your divine journey into the wonders of the truest awakening ever. The one of your soul seeing through the veil of three-dimensional living into infinity and connectedness to all.
You will find in this journal the following, 100 pages:★Signs you are Having a Spiritual Awakening (including what you won't find in other journals-- frightening and unexpected signs)
★Witness the Ego
★Self-care Activities (with suggestions and blank brainstorming spaces)
★Let Go of Negative Emotions
★Spiritual Journey-What happened this Week
★Spiritual Journey-How it started
★Spiritual Journey-Timeline
★Meditation Tracker
★Overcome Doubt
★Release Negative Thoughts
★Reality vs Illusion
★Chakra Alignment
★Become Mindful
★Spiritual Journey-Blank lined journal pages to write, draw or doodle thoughts and ideas.
This is part of the "You're Not Crazy, It's Paranormal" family of wellness tools
About Links
This list contains the latest links on sleep and dream resources. All efforts were made to ensure they work. Please note however, that there may be some links that don't work due to changes in organizations, or institutions listing updates