Understanding the Effects of Trauma and How to Heal and Protect Your Wellbeing
A clickable list via PDF authoratitve Report explaining what Trauma is, how it affects different parts of our lives and how to begin healing. Unhealed traums is at the root of:
- Chronic (toxic)
- Stress,
- Anxiety and Panic Attacks,
- Ongoing Sleep Problems,
- Discfunctional Relattionships,
- High Blood Pressure,
- Diabetes, Strokes,
- Cancer,
- Chronic Inflammation,
- Autoimmune conditions and sadly many more.
We need to Assess how you are affected by trauma. This allows you to deternine healing or non healing ways you are currently coping with trauma as a way to begin the healing process. Get Your report now and your free Assessment Form , click here
About Links
This list contains the latest links on sleep and dream resources. All efforts were made to ensure they work. Please note however, that there may be some links that don't work due to changes in organizations, or institutions listing updates